# of watchers: 4
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2007-11-03 [Silver Moon]: Kokutsho pushed Resino to the ground and rested his blade against his neck. "Lilian of course..what is the problem?" He asked in annoyance.
2007-11-05 [loonygirl2005]: *REinshtu lets out a sigh* "Both Lilian and the boy child are no where to be found."
2007-11-06 [Silver Moon]: "WHAT?! FIND THEM DAMMIT!" Kokutsho snapped.
Resino struggled to speak. "L..Lililan...
Kokutsho turned to Reinshtu with his blood drenched blade. "Find them now." He said in a deadly voice.
2007-11-06 [loonygirl2005]: *lilian appears in bright white light but her voice is not her own.* "You say you love this vessele but you killed your own kin that is a major crime. Until you can redeem yourself for the wrong you committed, you will never set eyes on this vessel or her offsprings." *She is gone again*
Renishtu: "Si..sire she...has the holy fragment and the holy fragment spoke directly."
2007-11-06 [Silver Moon]: Kokotshu stared at the spot she had been. "THAT WASN'T THE WAY IT WAS SUPPOSED TO BE! Damn you Resino..Damn you.." He said weakly. He looked to Resino's body. "Get rid of him..'
2007-11-06 [Silver Moon]: "I..don't care, I will have her! Get rid of this mess!"
2007-11-06 [loonygirl2005]: *Reinshtu bows and does as he was orderd* He has lost the rest of his sanity...maybe it is best that woman is out of his reach.*He disappears with Resino's body*
2007-11-08 [loonygirl2005]: *lilian appears but still has no free will she stands in front of the balancy*
2007-11-08 [Silver Moon]: Kokotshu turned and looked at her. "L..Lilian you returned!"
2007-11-08 [loonygirl2005]: *just looks at him and she lets out a sigh*
2007-11-08 [Silver Moon]: He slowly approached her. "But..what happened to me "never being able to set eyes on you?"
2007-11-08 [loonygirl2005]: *she has a sorrowful look* "you won't love me once I tell you I killed your trusty go getter Reinshtu."
2007-11-08 [Silver Moon]: Kokotshu looked shocked when he heard this. "W..why...why did you kill him?!"
2007-11-08 [loonygirl2005]: *She looks at him with cold eyes* "You brought it on yourself your selfish reasons of wanting this vessle. His soul is spared though so you can rest comfortably knowing that." *She disappears again*
2007-11-08 [Silver Moon]: "Damn you! GIVE ME LILIAN BACK!" He screamed.
Several civilians and even some guards looked up at the castle fearfully.
2007-11-08 [loonygirl2005]: *lilian's voice* You need to care for your fallen soilder.
2007-11-08 [Silver Moon]: He cursed and sent guards to deal with it. He sat down looking towards the mountains cursing.
2007-11-08 [loonygirl2005]: *Guard walks in and bows* "Sire will nothing sooth your anger you are scaring the people?"
2007-11-08 [Silver Moon]: Kokutsho glared at him, but slowly regained his anger. "I want her found."
2007-11-08 [loonygirl2005]: "Sire why can't you just leave her be? She seems like nothing but trouble."
2007-11-08 [Silver Moon]: "Are you questioning me? But....you are right I give up on her perhaps I should have thought of it sooner..she is a looker too, I want Minku. I have to have a bride from that city, bring me Minoku."
2007-11-08 [loonygirl2005]: *bows out and searches for Minoku*
2007-11-08 [Silver Moon]: *heads to his room*
2007-11-08 [loonygirl2005]: *Reinshtu yells* Sire...I got the brat little princess Minoku!
*She fights him*
2007-11-08 [Silver Moon]: Kokotshu hurried over. "Hello Minoku, remember me?"
2007-11-08 [loonygirl2005]: (Minoku) *lets out an angered howl* DON'T YOU DARE TOUCH ME!
2007-11-08 [Silver Moon]: Kokotshu frowned. "Don't speak that way, you are to be my bride after all." He turned to a few of his men. "Ready the preparations I want this done as soon as possible."
2007-11-08 [loonygirl2005]: *Suddenly there was a crash through the window and Lilian climbs up and says, "LIKE HELL YOU ARE GOING TO MARRY MY SISTER!"
2007-11-08 [loonygirl2005]: (Minoku) SISSY!
2007-11-08 [Silver Moon]: Kokotshu looks at her in anger. "Than will you wed me? I will have a bride from Esire!"
*Reinshtu chuckles* Sire you can have them both if you wish.
*lilian looks at him* YOU WHY ARE YOU ALIVE!
2007-11-08 [Silver Moon]: Kokotshu grinned. "Lilian has proved to troublesome...
2007-11-08 [loonygirl2005]: (Minoku) YOU HAVE RAIN!
*feels cold* You know where Rain is?
Reinshtu asks, Sire I thought you gave up on her?
2007-11-08 [Silver Moon]: "Perhaps, we shall see. Reinshtu get cleaned up and have them prepare." He turned back to the sisters. "I have had her for awhile, a gift from the warlord because she was in shock after she killed, he said she was useless so I took her. Now...which one of you will be my bride and the mother of my heir?"
2007-11-08 [loonygirl2005]: *both look at each other and the pendent the holy diety gave Minoku goes off and knocks Kokotshu to the floor and a voice says, You are not the true heir.So neither princess nor Queen will marry you.
2007-11-08 [Silver Moon]: "Silence! I am the true king! My brother was cowardly and ran from the responsibility
2007-11-08 [loonygirl2005]: *The same figure looks at him and says, You did not even care enough for your own fallen soilder and now he will be dead The figure kills Reinshtu but it was an agonizing death.
2007-11-08 [Silver Moon]: Kokotshu looks furious. "Damn it stop meddling and bring him back!"
2007-11-08 [loonygirl2005]: *He asks, Which is more important his life or marrying one of these already committed women?
2007-11-08 [Silver Moon]: "I have to wed a woman of Esire!"
2007-11-08 [loonygirl2005]: So marrying a woman of Esire is more important than his life?
2007-11-08 [Silver Moon]: "I must fulfill the prophecy!" Kokotchu shouted in anger.
"And you must learn that not everything in life will go your way." Resino said from behind him.
Kokotcho turned around in horror.
Resino turned to address the guards. "I am King Resino De'martail 179th king of Demorthan! Seize him."
A few guards hesitated but the others moved to arrest Kokotshu who began to scream in protest and draw his sword.
2007-11-08 [loonygirl2005]: (Minoku)*open the trapped door and many guards fell in but not dieing*
(Lilian) *ties up most of the resisting guards but suddenly feels Kokotshu pull her to him* LET ME GO!
2007-11-08 [Silver Moon]: Resino glared at him. "Let her go, you can no longer when this."
Kokotshu moved towards the edge of the parapets. "Than I will take her down with me!"
2007-11-08 [loonygirl2005]: (Minoku) *tried to get closer but is knocked away* MEO MOW!
2007-11-08 [Silver Moon]: Resino glared at his brother. "If you trully cared for her you wouldn't do this. Kokotshu you have lost, word has spread of my return, and not many of the guards will support you. That prophecy was not about you it was about my marriage to Lilian. "Twins born under unusual circumstances, to the King of Demorthan and his wife from Esire." Resino said as he took a step closer.
Kokotshu glared at Resino. "Than I will prevent your happiness! He said as he threw Lilian off the wall. Resino screamed Lilian's name.
Suddenly a blur moved and Lilian stood next to Resino Saverad right next to him. Several guards surrounded Kokotshu.
2007-11-08 [loonygirl2005]: (Minoku) Ok I am lost. Did we win or what?
*blinks and pants* WHAT HAPPENED!
2007-11-08 [Silver Moon]: Saverad turned to Minoku. "I just saved Lily....I am curious about this prophecy crap though.
Resino had his brother taken to the dungeon and secured. "Now we need to rebuild and weed out the warlords men from mine." Resino said as he hugged Lilian in relief.
Saverad frowned. "Shouldn't it have been more...difficu
2007-11-08 [loonygirl2005]: *lily feels a chill* RESINO IN THE CITY!
2007-11-08 [Silver Moon]: Resino gathered loyal guards and went with them. "What is it?" He asked fearfully.
2007-11-08 [loonygirl2005]: *lilly runs and says, MARINA!
2007-11-08 [Silver Moon]: *Resino and the guards hurried*
2007-11-08 [Lirerial]: *Zataria had just arrived and looked extremely annoyed at having been left out, making up her mind to not announce her presence she follows Saverad's group ready to fight at any given moment*
2007-11-10 [loonygirl2005]: *pants and coughs but has a small smile* "Rain...you are ok now."
(Minoku) *looks weak also* I suppose this is it for us
2007-11-10 [Silver Moon]: Saverad sat on one of the walls looking upset about something.
Resino smiled at his wife and child and hugged them.
2007-11-10 [loonygirl2005]: (Minoku) "Brother is something wrong?"
*she gives him a kiss but passes out* I feel so tired
2007-11-10 [Silver Moon]: Resino catches her and lays her down gently as he calls to one of the servants to bring some water.
Saverad looked up with a sad look in his eyes and attempted to smile. "No..nothing is wrong." He lied.
2007-11-10 [loonygirl2005]: (Minoku) I KNOW YOU ARE LYING!
*moans in pain and shivers slightly*
2007-11-10 [Silver Moon]: Resino caries Lilian to the royal room in concern, not noticing the other two.
Saverad looked towards the mountains. "I...I..am dying Minoku.."
2007-11-10 [Silver Moon]: Saverad's arms slumped and he shook his head. "I want to be a better person before I die.....Garait
2007-11-10 [loonygirl2005]: (Minoku) Is that the warlords name? Have you told Zathura yet?
2007-11-10 [Silver Moon]: "I haven't told her...how can I? I promised her a life of happiness....a
2007-11-10 [loonygirl2005]: (Minoku) "Don't give up brother...I am sure we can..*suddenly falls over and breaks out in cold sweat*
2007-11-10 [Silver Moon]: "MINOKU!" He runs over and kneels down beside her. "What's wrong?!"
2007-11-10 [loonygirl2005]: (Minoku) *shivers and coughs* "The...holy fragments...th
2007-11-10 [Silver Moon]: "What..what can I do?!"
2007-11-10 [loonygirl2005]: (Minoku) "Calm down brother....I will be ok."
2007-11-10 [Silver Moon]: Saverad still looked worried
2007-11-10 [loonygirl2005]: (Minoku) Brother will you stop looking at me like that. You say you are going to die..why can't I die sooner.
2007-11-10 [Silver Moon]: "I WON"T LET YOU! DAMN IT MINOKU YOUR MY BABY SISTER!" He cried.
2007-11-10 [loonygirl2005]: (Minoku) Meow meo (Calm down I am ok.)
2007-11-10 [Silver Moon]: Saverad looked down. "Minoku...I found out something...a reason why he wants me dead.."
2007-11-10 [loonygirl2005]: (Minoku) Meo? (why?
2007-11-10 [Silver Moon]: *sighs* I..I hold some sort of power to stop him according to a prophecy...I just don't know what the power is or how to access it. But he fears it to the point of desiring my destruction."
2007-11-10 [loonygirl2005]: (Minoku) So yeah..we all three are connected to that..so is our other brother.
2007-11-10 [Silver Moon]: Mine..is directly related.."
2007-11-10 [loonygirl2005]: (Minoku) "Because you have the stone of power...lily and I have the stones of healing.
2007-11-10 [Silver Moon]: Saverad nodded. "I...I have Roke's now..I don't know how but I have it."
2007-11-10 [loonygirl2005]: (Minoku) "I see...so how is Roke though?
2007-11-10 [Silver Moon]: Garathias has him..He took Roke as his host.."
2007-11-10 [loonygirl2005]: (Minoku)*pales* So is that how he knew about lily and I's fragments.
2007-11-10 [Silver Moon]: "Yes...Roke's resistance diminishes by the day.."
2007-11-10 [loonygirl2005]: (Minoku) Then we will have to face him.
2007-11-10 [Silver Moon]: "Yes..I know.."
2007-11-10 [loonygirl2005]: (Minoku) *feels guilty*Maybe if we had given our healing stones to him.
2007-11-10 [Silver Moon]: "Than they would have fallen into the hands of Garathias."
2007-11-10 [loonygirl2005]: (Minoku) ...but what can he use healing stones for?
2007-11-10 [Silver Moon]: "His army."
2007-11-10 [loonygirl2005]: (Minoku) What about his army?
2007-11-10 [Silver Moon]: "He would use it to attempt to secure immortality for his army, and on the other hand he would use it to stop us from using them."
2007-11-10 [loonygirl2005]: (Minoku) What you mean lily and I have the capablitiy of immortailty?
2007-11-10 [Silver Moon]: "That is his belief I am not sure if that is true..
2007-11-10 [loonygirl2005]: (Minoku) We can tap into goddesses..so it must be true to a certain point but if the stone is removed then our souls would die though.
2007-11-10 [Silver Moon]: "Let's not remove them than."
2007-11-10 [loonygirl2005]: (Minoku) I wonder how preach is doing.
2007-11-10 [Silver Moon]: "Who knows..."
2007-11-10 [Lirerial]: *Zataria had slumped weakly to the ground when she heard Saverad's confession, soft tears fell down her cheeks as she quietly opened a portal and left heading towards the Northern caves, missing the rest of the conversation*
2007-11-29 [Lirerial]: *Zataria steps out of a portal behind Saverad and hugs him tightly*
2007-11-29 [Silver Moon]: He gave a start but than relaxed in her embrace. "Hello love..I am sorry for leaving so quickly."
2007-11-29 [Lirerial]: *smiles at him* don't be... did you finish what you came here for?
2007-11-29 [Silver Moon]: "Yes.." He said as he turned around to face her offering a smile that she could see through to his pain and fear. He pulled her close and hugged her gently. "I have lied to you..."
2007-11-29 [Lirerial]: *watches him calmly* about what..? *she asked already having a pretty good idea about what he's going to say*
2007-11-29 [Silver Moon]: He sighed and his shoulders slumped a little. "I...am dying..I cant be with you forever..."
2007-11-29 [Lirerial]: *reaches up to kiss his cheek* yes you can, love *she smiles once more and pulls him into the portal with her*
2007-11-29 [Silver Moon]: **************
2009-06-19 [Fearathress]: Feara lead the way with dignity and perseverance as they walked to the castle.
2009-06-19 [Silver Moon]: "Who are you and what do you two want?"
2009-06-19 [Fearathress]: "My name is Lady H'kar and we ask for a visit with the watcher."
2009-06-19 [Silver Moon]: Go away.
((sorry gotta go))
2009-06-19 [Fearathress]: (K)
"No not until I get an audience. Unless the watcher would rather me go on with my plans without his consent. Don't think he would make a pleasant master then." K'htressa replied in an authoritative voice.
2009-06-21 [Silver Moon]: "Who is the watcher?"
2009-06-22 [Fearathress]: "How the hell would I know? I was told that I needed an audience from the watcher according to some shadows."
2009-06-23 [Silver Moon]: "You speak to shadows?! You aren't welcome here leave at once!"
2009-06-23 [Fearathress]: "They are what some people call shadows, I call them spirits, people who haven't moved on. So unless you get me an audience I will find me a way in. I am an elf, i am not evil."
2009-06-23 [Silver Moon]: "You may be an elf but that proves nothing. I am telling you there is no watcher here."
2009-06-23 [Fearathress]: Then let me speak to the one that you call master! I am out to save a young girls life and you are impeding it!
2009-06-23 [Silver Moon]: A cloaked man stepped up to the man and they seemed to speak for a little while before the cloaked figure looked down at them. "What is this fuss about?"
2009-06-23 [Fearathress]: I need an audience with the man who you call master!
2009-06-23 [Silver Moon]: "I call no one master for I am the master."
2009-06-23 [Fearathress]: You are the one that owns this establishment?
2009-06-24 [Silver Moon]: "I am."
2009-06-24 [Fearathress]: I need to speak to you about the release of a spirit/soul whatever you want to call it. I am out to save a childs life by saving her fathers.
2009-06-24 [Silver Moon]: "Why come here?"
2009-06-24 [Fearathress]: I was directed this way, by who I belive is the child's fathers.
2009-06-25 [Silver Moon]: "But why here?"
2009-06-25 [Fearathress]: K'htressa shrugged, "I don't know, that is what I was told."
2009-06-26 [Silver Moon]: "Wait here. I will speak to my necromancer." He said as he vanished for a little while
2009-06-26 [Fearathress]: "Finally" K'htressa said turning to Lenwe. "How many more times was I going to have to repeat it?" She asked a bit frustrated.
"Relax darling, it will be taken care of now. Patience seems to always be the key." He responded walking up to her and putting an arm around her.
2009-06-27 [Silver Moon]: The man reappeared followed closely by another man. "Can I help you?"
2009-06-27 [Fearathress]: K'htressa sighed. "How many more times am I going to have to repeat myself today. I was pointed this way by a spirit to get permission to free him.
2009-06-28 [Silver Moon]: "What spirit? Is it the one in the pass?"
2009-06-28 [Fearathress]: "Yes."
2009-06-29 [Silver Moon]: "That is an evil spirit, if you seek its freedom then you seek death."
2009-06-29 [Fearathress]: "How is it an evil spirit?"
2009-06-30 [Silver Moon]: He is a liar and deceiver, he seeks to destroy others through his lies
2009-06-30 [Fearathress]: Is he an elf?
2009-07-01 [Silver Moon]: Whatever he was he is a dark one now...
2009-07-01 [Fearathress]: Give me a chance to change that, to bring him back.
2009-07-02 [Silver Moon]: How?
2009-07-03 [Fearathress]: I have my ways necromancer.
2009-07-04 [Silver Moon]: "Change a soul from evil to good?"
2009-07-06 [Fearathress]: If can happen, it only depends on what made him turn the way he has.
2009-07-07 [Silver Moon]: "If you are successful I will allow the soul to be released, but only if you are successful."
2009-07-07 [Fearathress]: Sounds fair enough.
2009-07-07 [Silver Moon]: Good luck then
2009-07-07 [Fearathress]: Thank you.
2009-07-08 [Silver Moon]: "You should go before I change my mind..."
2009-07-08 [Fearathress]: K'htressa nodded and took Lenwe's arm and headed back to the pass.
2009-07-08 [Silver Moon]: ***********
2010-10-26 [Lirerial]: *Shade slid to a stop outside of the castle gate and looked around.*
2010-10-28 [Silver Moon]: There was a growl and Shard was at her side instantly
2010-10-28 [Lirerial]: *Shade lowered her ears and bared her teeth*
2010-10-29 [Silver Moon]: "Why do you trespass on my land?"
2010-10-29 [Lirerial]: We search for my brothers! *Shade called*
2010-11-02 [Silver Moon]: A large silver wolf stepped into their path. "No one passes my land."
2010-11-02 [Lirerial]: "Who are you!?!" Shade demanded irritatingly
2010-11-05 [Silver Moon]: "Tharge."
2010-11-05 [Lirerial]: Her fur bristled with annoyance as she dropped her head in acknowledgemen
2010-11-06 [Silver Moon]: He seemed to smirk at them. "This is my territory."
2010-11-06 [Lirerial]: she bristled impatiently, "Look, rocks for brains, I need to find my brothers. There is a war going on, or havn't you noticed?
2010-11-07 [Silver Moon]: "I have noticed and I don't take kindly to insults pup of a whore."
Shard growled in anger.
2010-11-07 [Lirerial]: Shade growled, "Funny to see a wolf who would talk of my mother like that... You would have never faced her if she was alive." Shade snarled hatefully and her shadows started to rise into the air.
2010-11-07 [Silver Moon]: He growled. "I would have dominated the bitch."
Shard snarled once more and prepared himself. He is planning something...I don't think he is alone so be on guard love.
2010-11-07 [Lirerial]: Shade nodded slightly but never removed hr glare from the other wolf. "No one could dominate her, especially not a lowly lycan like yourself."
2010-11-07 [Silver Moon]: He seemed to laugh. "Allow me to demonstrate on you than." He launched forward and Shard leapt at him. They began to fight ferociously and other wolves surged into the area going to attack her and assist their leader in dealing with Shard
2010-11-07 [Lirerial]: *Shade growled and met his charge as her shadows rose into the air around them. Her control was still very poor and didn't really do anything to help as she locked her teeth into his neck and twisted.
2010-11-07 [Silver Moon]: The other wolves attacked her and shard locking their teeth onto their necks or any vulnerable area they could reach.
Shard snarled and dug deeper into Tharge's neck both of them were latched on each others necks and blood dripped from both of them
2010-11-07 [Lirerial]: Shade yelped in pain and whirled desperately around, she was trying to protect bother herself and Shard.
There was a sudden low snarl that chilled the blood of everyone who heard. A furry black streak shot across the ground and tackled the wolves. Her teeth flashed as she fought until she stood panting in between her opponents and Shade.
2010-11-07 [Silver Moon]: Shard snarled still in combat with Tharge neither of them seemed to have noticed the appearance of the other wolf. There was a sickening snap and crunching sound and Tharge went still as Shard dropped his body to the ground. He was bleeding and panting. The other wolves turned and ran. He turned to look for Shade and stopped when he saw the other wolf. He scented the air and his eyes widened.
2010-11-07 [Lirerial]: Zataria spun around and gently nosed Shade, who lay on the ground in a daze. Although her gaze was gentle, it was blank; showing no recognition or even humanity in her eyes at all. Just as quickly her gaze grew cold as she snarled at Shard and moved in between him and Shade.
2010-11-07 [Silver Moon]: Shard limped closer and growled low. He was glad she wasn't attacking Shade but she was different. Zateria...she is my mate
2010-11-07 [Lirerial]: She showed no recognition of the name, and suddenly she glanced up as if she'd heard something and looked towards the woods. She turned and slowly wandered away, she'd already forgotten about them, it was as if the fight had never happened.
Shade grew more focused as she wandered away and when she looked back at Shard her ears were laid back. "Shard... I think I just saw a ghost..." She whimpered softly.
2010-11-07 [Silver Moon]: He went over to her in concern. "I...she didn't smell like she was dead...but I don't think she remembers who she is...or even what she is." He gently licked her wounds trying to assure himself she was alright.
2010-11-07 [Lirerial]: Shade was silent, deep in thought as she glanced at Tharge and shuddered then looked away.
2010-11-07 [Silver Moon]: "I am sorry...it was him or us...are you alright?"
2010-11-07 [Lirerial]: She nodded, "Yes... I... we... we have to tell my father about this... someone needs to find her and bring her back. Maybe she would know where my brothers are...
2010-11-07 [Silver Moon]: He nodded and winced. "Yes..." She noticed he was injured badly, Tharge had managed to tear deeply into the back of his neck and one of his legs didn't look like it would support him, he was in wolf form and it looked like something was torn
2010-11-07 [Lirerial]: She walked up to him and pressed against him, "Lay down, love... You can't walk right now..." She whimpered softly as she licked away the blood and helped him to sink back to the ground.
2010-11-07 [Silver Moon]: He looked up at her feeling ashamed. "I am sorry...I allowed him to injure me so badly. You must think me weak."
2010-11-07 [Lirerial]: "Of course not, my love...You killed him... I am so proud that you are mine... I would never trade you for the world."
2010-11-07 [Silver Moon]: He licked her in thanks. "Damn he got me though...he had silver on his teeth."
2010-11-07 [Lirerial]: She suddenly looked scared as she licked his wound. "You'll be fine, hun... it'll just take a little longer to heal."
2010-11-07 [Silver Moon]: "I know...thank you love. When I mend enough to travel we can resume searching for your brothers and informing father..."
2010-11-07 [Lirerial]: *She nodded, and licked him. "I'll go find us something to eat..."
2010-11-07 [Silver Moon]: "Be careful. I don't know how far his friends went."
2010-11-07 [Lirerial]: She nodded, and trotted off.
She hadn't been gone for very long when a shadow detached itself from the trees and drifted towards Shard curiously. Her head was cocked to one side as she crept closer.
2010-11-07 [Silver Moon]: Shard stiffened and kept his eyes on the shadow as he sniffed the air. He hoped he wasn't in for a fight, short of using his magic he was nearly defenseless in his present state.
2010-11-07 [Lirerial]: Zataria did nothing, she only came closer until she stood over him and sniffed his injuries. Her silver eyes met his for a split second before shadows slowly started to curl over his wound, knitting his muscle and skin back together. Although the process was very painful, she didn't seem to realize she was the one doing it, instead watching the shadows work and nipping at them playfully.
2010-11-07 [Silver Moon]: He gently nudged her with the tip of his nose hoping to get some sign of recognition, perhaps his scent would remind her of his father's. He watched her carefully not sure what he could do to get her to remember.
2010-11-07 [Lirerial]: She froze at his smell and her eyes turned towards him with a glimmer of recognition. "Sa... Sa..ver..ad" She whispered hoarsely, her voice gutteral and harsh as she whispered the name and stared at him.
2010-11-07 [Silver Moon]: "Father would want to no you live Zateria...I am his son Shard..."
2010-11-07 [Lirerial]: She shook her head softly, "Gone... my second form... gone." she whimpered softly and looked away, ashamed.
2010-11-07 [Silver Moon]: "Second form...how can it be gone...?"
2010-11-07 [Lirerial]: "its gone..." She whimpered again. "the price I paid for Saverad's life." She rasped, "I do not exist anymore." She said softly, suddenly filled with the desire to see Saverad.
2010-11-07 [Silver Moon]: "But you are right here. You do exist...we can help you. We are trying to find your sons."
2010-11-07 [Lirerial]: "They are safe." She said simply, harshly, her eyes ablaze. "They will not fight." She snarled
2010-11-07 [Silver Moon]: "I didn't say they would. Zateria...you should let us help you."
2010-11-07 [Lirerial]: "They will not fight..." She mumbled again and it seemed as if her conscious moment was ending as she fell silent and hey eyes went blank again. she curled up next tim him and watched, her shadows drifting away leaving him healed.
2010-11-07 [Silver Moon]: He sat and watched over her not sure what more to do or say, there had to be a way to help her. He kept alert hoping Shade hadn't run into trouble
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